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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

This Week’s Links

This is a weekly series in which NYT developers share their recommendations from around the web.

Twitter Bootstrap 3: New Release Preview â€" Mobile First

A brief yet in-depth preview of the upcoming Bootstrap 3.0 â€" rewritten from the ground up.

Google API Node.js client

Google has released an official Node.js client library (in alpha status) for accessing Google APIs. The documentation is a little thin so far, but it’s an exciting release nonetheless!

Chromium feature dashboard

The Chrome team has set up a new dashboard for tracking the status of Chromium features, along the lines of

There Is No Mobile Internet!

What is the main difference between a desktop experience and a mobile experience Marek Wolski discusses the idea of “One Web.”

An Engineer’s Guide to Bandwidth

Tom Hughes-Croucher offers a deep look at how bandwidth works, and how it can affect the performance of your site and the experience of your users.

Making the Mobile Web Faster

A series of fantastic suggestions for improving server performance.

How We Deploy New Features

An older article by a Github staffer. It’s short, but very sweet.

Scrape Site for JS Errors With Casper.js

Are you reorganizing the structure of your application Are you unsure if you’re breaking JavaScript dependencies Casper.js to the rescue!

A Node.js Holiday Season

This series has been running since November of last year. Part seven, Taming Configurations With node-convict, was released a couple of weeks ago.

Under the Hood: Building Out the Infrastructure for Graph Search

Unicorns do exist! Well, at least at Facebook they do. In this article, Facebook developers explain how they unified their data structures with an inverted-index system called Unicorn.

An Iron-Man-Like 3D Hologram Controlled by Leap Motion and Three.js

Amazing. Enough Said.

Ten Lessons Learned Maintaining Node.js Modules

Charlie Robbins of Nodejitsu addresses the hardships of maintaining Node.js modules. Many of these lessons can be applied to any open source project.

Trevor Landau is a software developer on the Mobile Web Tech team at The New York Times. He is passionate about open source, clean code and back-end performance. His real love is JavaScript, but he is interested in all facets of web technologies. Twitter: @trevor_landau

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