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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Majority of Americans Doubt Benefits of Fed Stimulus

Only one in three Americans has confidence in the Federal Reserve’s ability to promote economic growth, while little more than a third think the Fed is spinning its wheels, according to a New York Times/CBS News poll.

The remaining respondents said they did not know enough to answer.

The Fed has been trying for five years to speed the nation’s recovery from the Great Recession by reducing borrowing costs to the lowest levels on record.

A wide range of economists agree that the Fed’s efforts have provided a meaningful boost to economic growth, although they disagree about the magnitude.

The Fed’s chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, has sought to make this case to the public, in televised interviews, town hall-style meetings and quarterly news conferences.

Most Americans, it would appear, remain either unaware or unpersuaded.

Source: New York Times/CBS News Poll. The nationwide telephone survey was conducted Sept. 19-23 with 1,014 adults and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.   Source: New York Times/CBS News Poll. The nationwide telephone survey was conducted Sept. 19-23 with 1,014 adults and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.  

The lack of confidence in the Fed ran deepest among Republicans and Tea Party supporters. Among Democrats, 46 percent expressed “some” or “a lot” of confidence in “the Federal Reserve’s ability to promote economic growth,” compared with 21 percent of Republicans and 18 percent of Tea Party supporters.

Income also was a dividing line, with wealthier Americans generally expressing greater confidence in the Fed’s capabilities. Among people making at least $100,000, 43 percent said the Fed had the power, while 33 percent said it had “not much” or “none.” By contrast, among people making $50,000 to $100,000, 34 percent said the Fed had the power, while 44 percent said it did not.

These divisions may reflect, at least in part, the reality that the Fed’s efforts have provided much greater direct benefits to wealthier Americans. The stimulus campaign has helped to fuel the rise in stock prices, and the wealthiest 10 percent of Americans own about 90 percent of the stocks.

The benefits of lower interest rates are more broadly accessible, but the wealthiest Americans and the healthiest companies still have benefited the most. The Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg refinanced a $5.95 million mortgage last year at an interest rate of 1.05 percent, while millions of Americans cannot refinance at any rate because they do not qualify under tougher post-crisis credit standards.

But even among shareholders â€" the people who have benefited most clearly from the Fed’s campaign â€" there is widespread skepticism: 38 percent of those who own stocks expressed confidence in the Fed’s ability to stimulate the economy, while 43 percent expressed doubt.

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