Bruce Bartlett held senior policy roles in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations and served on the staffs of Representatives Jack Kemp and Ron Paul. He is the author of âThe Benefit and the Burden: Tax Reform â" Why We Need It and What It Will Take.â
The taxation of capital gains has always been among the most politically contentious elements of the tax code and will be among the most difficult to resolve when fundamental tax reform is undertaken. But it is made even more difficult by an old Supreme Court case limiting the scope of potential reform.
The first federal income tax was established during the Civil War and capital gains were taxed as ordinary income. But after the war, an investor brought suit arguing that they were not ordinary income because a gain in one year might represent the accumulated gains of many years. In the case of Gray v. Darlington, the Supreme Court held for the plaintiff, ruling that capital gains were not taxable. Said the court:
The mere fact that property has advanced in value between the date of its acquisition and sale does not authorize the imposition of the tax on the amount of the advance. Mere advance in value in no sense constitutes the gains, profits, or income specified by the statute. It constitutes and can be treated merely as increase of capital.
The case had no practical effect because by the time it was decided in 1872, the Civil War income tax had expired. But when the income tax came back into existence in 1913, it was assumed by many analysts that the ruling in Darlington would apply. However, the Internal Revenue Service simply ignored it and collected taxes on capital gains as if they were ordinary income.
This quickly led to a new legal challenge. In Hays v. Gauley Mountain Coal Co. in 1918, the defendants thought they had facts identical to those in Darlington and expected the same verdict. But the Supreme Court ruled that the facts were different and that capital gains realized by a corporation were fully taxable.
Adding to the confusion, just a couple of days after the Gauley Mountain decision was handed down, the court essentially reversed itself in Lynch v. Turrish, ruling that capital gains were not income. The court said, âThe case decides that such advance in value is not income at all, but merely increase of capital, and not subject to a tax as income.â
A few months later, the Supreme Court heard yet another capital gains case. In Eisner v. Macomber in 1919, it ruled that a stock dividend was not income: âEnrichment through increase in value of capital investment is not income in any proper meaning of the term.â
Yet despite these rulings, the I.R.S. continued to collect taxes on capital gains as if they were ordinary income. Predictably, this led to further litigation. In the 1920 case of Brewster v. Walsh, a federal district court ruled that capital gains were not income in the common meaning of the term: âThe sale of capital results only in changing its form, and, like the mere issue of a stock dividend, makes the recipient no richer than before.â
Commenting on this case, The New York Times agreed with the district courtâs logic. In a Feb. 15, 1921, editorial, it said:
Income is an addition to capital value, something which may be severed from it and still leave the capital undiminished, like a crop from land. Income is a flow. Capital is a fountain. Profit from a sale is not a flow. It cannot be repeated, the transaction being final. An income tax is a recurring tax, and ought to be confined to the tax period.
Additionally, as the judge in Brewster found, The Times said that since capital gains are not income within the meaning of the 16th Amendment, a capital-gains tax would therefore be a direct tax, which would have to be apportioned among the states as required by Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution. At a minimum, this would require Congress to pass a law specifically taxing capital gains, rather than having the I.R.S. do so under the income tax.
Finally, in the 1921 case of Merchants Loan and Trust Co. v. Smietanka, the Supreme Court definitively ruled that capital gains were taxable under the income tax. That left the issue one for Congress to deal with henceforth.
However, one lasting judicial constraint on congressional latitude is the principle that only realized capital gains may be taxed, a legacy of the Eisner decision. This is important because many economists believe that a proper income tax ought to tax all capital gains annually, whether realized or not. It also creates a problem with unrealized gains at death and whether they should be taxed as if realized.
Historically, gains held until death have not been taxed, which is widely viewed as a loophole that unfairly taxes differently two people with identical capital gains, one who sold assets just before death and the other who did not.
In my opinion, the constitutional requirement that capital gains must be realized to be taxable is one of the biggest problems in the tax code. It creates a lock-in effect that effectively subsidizes old investments at the expense of new opportunities â" investments that may no longer be performing donât fully suffer the marketâs judgment, as many investors will resist selling because of the capital gains tax. The constitutional requirement also encourages the conversion of ordinary income into capital gains in search of lower rates.
Allowing the taxpayer to decide when and whether to realize capital gains is enormously beneficial, quite apart from the lower tax rate on capital gains.
While the lock-in effect can be mitigated by a lower capital gains tax rate, an argument often made by conservatives, the de facto zero rate on gains held until death severely limits the impact.
Under the law, heirs pay taxes on the gains from inherited assets based on the increase in value after they were inherited, not from their original purchase. This is called step-up basis and costs the Treasury $27 billion a year in lost revenue.
In short, there arenât only political and economic barriers to implementing tax reform, but constitutional ones left over from long-ago court cases. Some theorists believe that only by adopting a pure consumption tax, and eliminating the taxation of incomes entirely, can we fully escape the problems inherent in capital gains taxation.
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