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Friday, March 14, 2014

Time to Adjust Overtime Pay

Jared Bernstein is a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington and a former chief economist to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

Since the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, it has been established that if you’re an hourly paid worker and you work more than 40 hours per week, you should get overtime pay equal to time and a half, meaning 1.5 times your base wage.  For three-quarters of a century, that standard has both rewarded people with a wage premium for working overtime, and provided an important incentive for employers to hire extra workers if they want to avoid paying the overtime premium to their existing work force.

But the law did not stop there.  It recognized that certain salaried and white-collar workers should also benefit from overtime pay, as neither their relatively low salaries nor their duties at work should exempt them.  So the law created a salary threshold below which salaried workers must get overtime and a set of “duties test” to establish whether salaried workers earning above the threshold were truly engaged in exempt duties for most of their time at work, including supervisory, managerial and executive tasks.

Unfortunately, these parts of the overtime rules have eroded, meaning that millions of workers who should be eligible for overtime are not.  Fortunately, President Obama has proposed to update these rules, and double-fortunately, he does not need congressional approval to make this type of regulatory change.

First, because the threshold under which salaried workers are automatically eligible for overtime pay is not indexed for inflation, its value has declined and it covers fewer workers each year.  In a recent paper I wrote with Ross Eisenbrey of the Economic Policy Institute, we pointed out that were the 1975 weekly salary threshold updated for inflation since then, it would be around $980 today, or around $51,000 a year. 

That’s more than double the current threshold of $455, but the chart below shows how out of step that threshold is with the history of this important metric. In fact, the current threshold is below the poverty line for a family of four. Each bar represents the real value, in today’s dollars, of the Fair Labor Standards Act salary threshold that was reset in that year. Were the current threshold update to reflect inflation since 2004, it would be $560.  Before that clearly low-ball 2004 update, the average is around $950, about where we’d set it today.  This change alone would entitle millions of workers to the protections they should be getting under the statute.

Source: Fair Labor Standards Act salary thresholds deflated by CPI-U-RS.  Figure takes the threshold level in the year it was changed, and then puts updates that value to today’s dollars.  For example, in 2004, the threshold was raised to $455.  In today’s dollar, as shown in the graph, that’s equal to $561. Source: Fair Labor Standards Act salary thresholds deflated by CPI-U-RS.  Figure takes the threshold level in the year it was changed, and then puts updates that value to today’s dollars.  For example, in 2004, the threshold was raised to $455.  In today’s dollar, as shown in the graph, that’s equal to $561.

I’ve been talking about this a lot since it was announced, and have heard two arguments worth addressing.  First, some have asked why professionals should get overtime.  To some, it seems neither right nor in the spirit of the law, since salaried workers were exempted for good reasons.

I agree, when we’re talking about most managers and executives.  They manage their own time, constantly work on and off the clock, supervise others and so on.  But what we’re talking about here is an assistant manager at a retail outlet or a hospital orderly who, as part of his or her job, occasionally directs the work of others.  These are precisely the types of workers the law was designed to cover.

Second, you hear the knee-jerk “job killer” response from the business lobby.  But in this case, the logic doesn’t follow.  If a currently ineligible salaried worker becomes eligible for overtime pay by dint of this change, her employer can easily avoid paying her the overtime premium by hiring a new worker at the “straight time” wage.  And this happens to scratch another labor market itch we have right now: weak job creation.  That’s why Dan Hamermesh, a highly respected labor economist who’s studied this issue for decades, said about the president’s proposal in an article in The Washington Post: “I would argue it’s a job-creation program.”

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