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Monday, March 31, 2014

What Happens If You Save for College

A recent Op-Ed article in The New York Times argued that the cost of college could easily be lowered by cutting what’s called the “expected family contribution.” That is the amount, based on a complicated formula laid out by Congress many decades ago, that parents and students are expected to pay for college.

Colleges typically subtract it from their sticker price and then figure out a student’s aid package (though many private colleges use a different formula that takes into accounts assets like the amount of equity you have in your home).

The writer of the Op-Ed, Steve Cohen, explained: “Consider a family of four, earning $100,000 in income and having $50,000 in savings. The E.F.C. says that this family will contribute $17,375 each year to a child’s college expenses.” To do so, they would have to cut their after-tax expenses by 25 percent.

“Alternatively,” Mr. Cohen continues, “the family could use its savings. But that would deplete their $50,000 before the start of the child’s senior year, leaving nothing for the proverbial rainy day, or for the second child’s education.” The formula doesn’t care if you live in an area with a high cost of living, or if you’re underwater on your mortgage.

This had me wanting more details. What about retirement savings â€" would those be counted? What about older parents nearing retirement â€" would they be expected to draw down their savings as the same rate? Does the formula actually discourage saving?

A look at the formula guide for parents with dependent students was only a little help, but the Department of Education cleared up a few questions.

First, the formula for a family’s contribution is based on two things: income and liquid savings.

Let’s take income first. From your income, you get to deduct a number of expenses like taxes, employment expenses and what the federal government calls an “income protection allowance” â€" that is, an amount that is shielded from being sucked into the gaping maw of college costs. The size of the allowance is based on the household size and the number of college students in the house, and ranges from $14,460 for a two-person household where both are in school, to a high of $37,020 for a six-person household with one student.

Parents are then expected to contribute a percentage of what’s left over (the more that’s left over, the higher the marginal percentage, just like with income tax rates â€" except the rate here goes up to 47 percent).

Next comes savings. This does not include IRAs, 401(k)s or other retirement savings, so lard up on those at will. It does not include a primary residence, but it does include the value of a business or a farm that the parents don’t live on. It also includes custodial accounts for minors, and college savings accounts known as 529s. These accounts are listed as parental assets, not student assets, if the parent is the account owner.  (If a grandparent is the account owner, the 529 need not be listed.)

It’s actually better for the applicant if the 529 is a parental asset. The student’s own savings are assumed to be for college, and are drawn down at a much faster rate (20 percent a year) than parents’ savings, which are assumed to be needed for more than just college and are drawn down at a slower rate (12 percent a year).  But this also means that parents cannot quarantine savings for another child. Any 529 the parents own, no matter who is named as the beneficiary, must be included.

As with income, there is an “asset protection allowance” for parents. It does takes age into account â€" a little. A two-parent family in which the older parent is 30 has $9,100 that can’t be touched. If the older parent is 60, the allowance is $45,500.

Now, here’s the weirdest part of the formula: Single parents are allowed a far, far smaller allowance than married parents. A 60-year-old single parent can cordon off only $10,200. This is apparently because the formula is based on very outdated assumptions.

Nowadays, it’s well known that a two-person household does not cost twice as much as a single-person household, so it’s doubtful that two people would need to save twice as much as one â€" much less four times more. Or put another way, a single person nearing retirement needs to save almost as much as a couple. But the formula forces single parents to cough up more for tuition.

What about discouraging saving? The more you’ve saved, the more you are expected to pay â€" so why save at all? The answer is that the oversaver is expected to pay more, but not terribly much more. And unless you want to cut your expenses drastically, you will need the extra savings to cover the enormous bills.

Using the Education Department’s FAFSA4caster, I played around with various scenarios, assuming my hypothetical student had 60-year-old parents with an adjusted gross income of $100,000. With $50,000 in savings, the expected yearly contribution was $16,977. With $100,000 in savings, it went up to $19,797 â€" over four years, that’s $11,280 more. A whopping $150,000 in savings generated a yearly contribution of $22,617 â€" an extra $22,560 over four years.

It’s worth noting that the break for aging parents is not that great. When I ran the same models for 40-year-old parents, their E.F.C. was only $1,027 a year more than it would have been if they were 60.

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