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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A New Look at Big-Bank Subsidies


Simon Johnson, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is the Ronald A. Kurtz professor of entrepreneurship at the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management and co-author of “White House Burning: The Founding Fathers, Our National Debt, and Why It Matters to You.”

In fall 2008, some big financial companies in the United States and Europe were regarded as too important to fail. They received large amounts of government support, directly from the Treasury, through central banks and in other ways to prevent them from collapsing.

The question now under investigation by the Government Accountability Office and others is the extent to which companies, most notably the largest global banks, are still likely to receive special protection the next time investor sentiment turns sharply negative.

Such implicit (and free) downside insurance would amount to a particularly pernicious form of subsidy from the government and is likely to encourage excessive risk-taking and danger to the entire financial system. If the G.A.O. finds there are still big subsidies for too-big-to-fail banks, this will attract attention from both Republicans and Democrats â€" and will greatly strengthen the case for higher capital requirements (as laid out by Anat Admati and Martin Hellwig) and other policy changes.

Well-financed friends of large banks, such as the Clearing House Association in the United States, are fighting tooth and nail against the notion that there is a subsidy of any kind. A new report this week from the International Monetary Fund hammered their position. The chance that policy will soon move in the right direction greatly increased. (See Chapter 3 of the Global Financial Stability Report).

The I.M.F. is charged with overseeing the world’s macroeconomy and has learned the hard way over the last 20 years that troubled financial markets can ruin everything. Banking is both a big part of what has gone wrong in many so-called emerging-market crises, such as the episode that hit parts of Asia, Russia and Brazil in 1997-98, and what has derailed growth and employment so badly in the United States and in the euro area after 2007. (I was chief economist at the I.M.F. from March 2007 through August 2008, when financial sector issues were very much on the front burner, but I was not involved in writing this week’s report.)

The I.M.F. staff speaks only for itself in this kind of report, but it has a strong preference for being in sync with â€" or slightly ahead of â€" the thinking of officials in important countries, including the United States. I would be very surprised if there proved to be a great deal of distance between this I.M.F. publication and where the Federal Reserve ends up on this issue.

The I.M.F.’s findings are straightforward. Government support lowers the funding costs of big banks, because it provides a form of guarantee to creditors. Implicit subsidies of this form are worth up to $70 billion for the United States, and perhaps as much as $300 billion for the euro area, per year (see Pages 14 and 18 of the report). As the fund emphasizes, these are big and dangerous numbers â€" precisely because such commitments encourage dangerous risk-taking on a scale that can damage the macroeconomy.

Financial reforms, including those from the Dodd-Frank Act in the United States, contain useful measures but have not reduced these subsidies below their pre-2007 level. (The implicit subsidies are lower now than they were at the height of the crisis, but that’s the nature of a crisis â€" and we are trying to look forward to what would happen in the next crisis-type situation.)

Of particular importance is the way the I.M.F. handles questions of methodology in the relatively new field of measuring these subsidies.

A typical position from the Clearing House Association and big banks is that these issues are complex and nothing can be said with any certainty. But the same is true of any macroeconomic issue. Measuring inflation or unemployment properly is fraught with methodological difficulties, yet modern central banks are compelled to do exactly this.

The right approach is to construct a variety of plausible measures and to examine whether they agree on the broad picture. There will be pushback â€" and there certainly is on inflation and unemployment measures â€" and there is always some margin of error. The question is whether officials are confident that they have a sensible range of estimates.

To its credit, the I.M.F. gets this exactly right. Its report presents three approaches, which use different methodologies (based on credit ratings, options prices and bond yields). It is fully transparent about what these show using historical data, and it explains how reasonable adjustments would change subsidy estimates using the latest available data.

I particularly like how the report handles the comparison of interest rates across types of borrowers. The industry asserts that big banks borrow at roughly the same interest rates as other companies, when appropriate adjustments are made. The I.M.F. shows with great clarity that if you just adjust for leverage (how much equity a company has, relative to its debt), big banks borrow more cheaply â€" and the funding advantage is close to 100 basis points, i.e., one percentage point, which is a lot in today’s market (see Figure 3.7).

If anything, the I.M.F. numbers could be low estimates. For example, while the fund focuses on the “uplift” from credit ratings agencies because of expected support from the government, it does not dig into the full determinants of how a company’s debt is rated. The “stand-alone” rating of some of the biggest companies is surely affected by all the government support they have received and are expected to receive. And it’s not clear that the I.M.F.’s measures capture the full value of support provided to the derivative transactions of big banks, as these are not fully picked up by standard balance-sheet measures.

This approach should become a model for other studies, including the high-profile G.A.O. study that is expected this summer. As a result of a request by Senators Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio, and David Vitter, Republican of Louisiana, which garnered a great deal of support from their colleagues, the G.A.O. will report on exactly the issue addressed by the I.M.F. â€" although it will focus presumably on the United States. (I expect the Federal Reserve will soon come out with its own report; it would be shocking if the Fed’s Board of Governors allows the G.A.O. to define the issues and specify the numbers for such a first-order issue.)

The G.A.O. is being lobbied intensively by the industry. The I.M.F. report and the support it receives from others â€" Bloomberg View, to which I am a contributor, has long nailed this issue; other members of the financial press will surely follow â€" should be of great assistance to the G.A.O. in resisting industry pressure and in producing a credible set of estimates for the subsidies currently provided to too-big-to-fail banks in the United States.

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