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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Heroes of Banking Reform


Simon Johnson, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is the Ronald A. Kurtz professor of entrepreneurship at the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management and co-author of “White House Burning: The Founding Fathers, Our National Debt, and Why It Matters to You.”

In the mid-2000s, Sheila Bair, then the chairwoman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, fought to retain a rule that would limit the amount of leverage, i.e., the amount that could be borrowed, particularly by the largest American financial companies. Among her most difficult opponents were key people at the Federal Reserve and most of the international community involved with bank regulation. (The details are in Chapter 3 of her book, “Bull by the Horns.”)

The financial crisis made a big difference. Ms. Bair was proved right. Her critics in the United States and in Europe had insisted that a sophisticated “risk-weighted” approach to measuring the adequacy of bank equity capital would suffice. But the risk-weights used, by regulators and the industry, proved repeatedly wrong. Complex derivatives based on mortgage-backed securities and European sovereign debt were rated as AAA (the safest possible); both turned out instead to be highly risky and prone to fall rapidly in value.

This week, Ms. Bair and the people who agree with her on the need to restrict leverage at our largest banks won a major victory.

In the 18th or 19th century, a victory on this scale would have been become clear in flowery speeches or perhaps an act of Congress. We live in an age of specialists and complex terminology, so this week’s victory was appropriately enough wrapped in technical language of modern bank regulation.

The new rule is the “supplementary leverage ratio,” and it limits how much the largest banks can borrow relative to their overall assets. You need “more than $700 billion in consolidated total assets” or “more than $10 trillion in assets under custody” in order to be covered by this rule. (The link above is to the summary news release; the full rule is 54 pages long.)

By 2018, the eight largest financial companies will need to fund their overall activities with at least 5 percent equity (so they can still have up to 95 percent debt, relative to their total balance sheet size).

As the Fed puts it, in official-speak, “A perception persists in the markets that some companies remain ‘too big to fail,’ posing an ongoing threat to the financial system.”

Thomas M. Hoenig, vice chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and a longstanding proponent of more effective capital regulation, issued a clear and powerful statement regarding why leverage should be limited in this way: “Banks with stronger capital positions are in a better position to lend, to compete favorably in any market and to achieve satisfactory results for investors. Without sufficient capital, the opposite is true.”

Opinion in official circles more broadly has shifted, in part because of strenuous efforts by some individuals.

Mr. Hoenig, for example, has long argued for more emphasis on the leverage ratio:

For example, in the period 2006-8, there was no binding leverage ratio on the largest institutions. It is evident now that during that period banks increased their leverage and took on excessive risks to meet targeted returns. It was the reliance on and manipulation of a risk-based capital framework that allowed risk to build up to a point that nearly brought the global financial system to collapse.

Banks with more equity capital (meaning less leverage) were better able to sustain credit than banks that were in danger of becoming insolvent (i.e., having their equity wiped out by large losses.)

These new rules represent a vindication for Ms. Bair, Mr. Hoenig and others who have played a leadership role on this topic, including Jeremiah Norton, a member of the board at the F.D.I.C. (see his statement this week). I’m a member of the independent and nonpartisan Systemic Risk Council, founded and led by Ms. Bair, and we have also written comment letters urging higher capital requirements.

While this aspect of the broader debate on financial stability is not over, people who argue in favor of even stronger capital requirements are increasingly gaining the upper hand. (For an entertaining and insightful analysis of the current academic debate, see this paper by Paul Pfleiderer.)

The consensus among officials is shifting. Perhaps not enough and definitely not fast enough, but it is definitely moving in the right direction.

As Mr. Hoenig says at the end of his statement,

I am confident that supervisors will rely increasingly on the leverage ratio, as the market already does, to judge a firm’s capital levels, loss absorbing capacity and balance sheet strength.

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