Auto lending is up, which has brought concerns about whether risky loans are driving the trend. A new analysis from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York finds new auto loans to borrowers with low credit scores have indeed risen, but are still well below the levels seen during the credit bubble years leading up to the financial crisis.

In the second quarter of this year, about 23Â percent of new auto loans were issued to borrowers with credit scores under 620. Historically, the share of newly issued auto loans going to this riskier group was about 25 to 30Â percent. The share of newly issued auto loans going to the borrowers with the best credit - scores over 720 - peaked at more than half during the recession. Itâs about 45 percent now.

Auto loans over all, youâll notice, are still not back to their pre-crisis highs. That is largely because young people are borrowing less frequently than they used to.

The reduced appetite for mortgage and auto loans among the young has been attributed to higher student debt burdens, though the link between the two is disputed.
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