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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Reviewing the Movies: Audiences vs. Critics

In addition to my economics coverage, I also write theater reviews. And like any critic, I’m occasionally lectured about how critics are out of touch with The People. Critics regularly pan works that become immensely popular, after all, and praise some that roundly displease audiences.

This gap seems especially true (or at least measurable) in film. To take one recent example, “Grown Ups 2″ has grossed about $124 million in domestic box office revenues since its release on July 12, and was liked by three out of five people who weighed in on the Web site Rotten Tomatoes. Yet it was almost universally slammed by critics, with just 7 percent giving it positive reviews, according to Rotten Tomatoes’ selection of “Approved Tomatometer Critics.”

So I wondered: Can I quantify the gulf in tastes between critics and the general public?

Building on the OpusData movie numbers I wrote about last week, Kiran Bhattaram on The Times’s interactive news team helped me match up film listings with Rotten Tomatoes data on critics’ scores versus audiences’ scores. (We used Rotten Tomatoes data because it has not only public A.P.I.’s, but also a gigantic user base, with thousands of user-submitted reviews for even relatively small films. That makes it a good way to take the “pulse” on popular views of a wide swath of films, since it’s impossible to conduct a randomized poll of viewers of every film ever made.)

The results: Critics are much more, well, critical of the average film than general audiences are. Or put another way, the public is much more complimentary.

Critic scores for each film are calculated based on the percent of Approved Tomatometer Critics who gave a positive review. Audience scores refer to the share of participating Rotten Tomatoes users who rated a given film with at least 3.5 stars out of 5. All films that opened from Jan. 1, 2003, to July 18, 2013, and grossed at least $2 million in domestic box office revenues are included.Sources: Rotten Tomatoes, OpusData Critic scores for each film are calculated based on the percent of Approved Tomatometer Critics who gave a positive review. Audience scores refer to the share of participating Rotten Tomatoes users who rated a given film with at least 3.5 stars out of 5. All films that opened from Jan. 1, 2003, to July 18, 2013, and grossed at least $2 milion in domestic box office revenues are included.

Among all films grossing at least $2 million in domestic box offices between 2003 and mid-July 2013, the average picture got a positive review from almost exactly half of the Approved Tomatometer Critics who assessed it. By contrast, the average movie got a positive review from 62 percent of the people who weighed in on Rotten Tomatoes.

The gulf between audience scores and critics’ scores varies a lot by movie, but in almost every genre the public rates a movie more positively than do the critics. The only exceptions are black comedies and documentaries. Critics systematically rate films in these genres more highly than do Rotten Tomatoes users.

The chart above shows the average critic score for films in a given genre on the horizontal axis, and the average audience score for that same category on the vertical axis. The gray dashed line is where every point would fall if the average critic score and the average audience score matched exactly. If a point is above the line, it means that audiences tend to like films in the genre more than critics do. Vice versa for points below the line.

As you can see, the genre with the biggest critical disconnect is romantic comedy. The average romantic comedy is rated positively by 57 percent of Rotten Tomatoes users, versus just 36 percent of Rotten Tomatoes-approved critics.

Audiences and critics tend to have much more similar views on westerns and “concert/performance” films, which both groups rate relatively highly. The average film in both genres got positive feedback from about two-thirds of both audiences and critics. But these were also the two smallest genres; in my OpusData spreadsheet, just 12 films were categorized as “concert/performance,” and 11 were called “westerns.”

Note also that there is probably some selection bias going on in these reviews. Movies are not randomly assigned to their audiences; moviegoers usually choose whether to see a romantic comedy, a foreign film or a horror movie. And if they choose to see a particular movie, that probably means they think they will enjoy it, which means they are more likely to give it a favorable review afterward.

To some extent, critics also have some agency over what films they review. (Theater critics often do, anyway.) But movie critics are probably also obligated to review a lot of films that they might not seek out on their own, which might explain why their ratings are on average more middling than the ratings offered by people who go to the movies purely for recreation.

I would love to do a similar analysis on theater reviews, if only comparably comprehensive data were available.

My hunch is that theater audiences also rate the plays they see more favorably than professional critics do. Smaller plays, after all, are often packed with family and friends of the cast and crew. Big Broadway shows attract a lot of tourists, who for some reason seem to like things that New York critics hate (e.g., “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark”). That’s partly because of different regional tastes and expectations. But besides that, Broadway tickets are incredibly expensive, and people really want to like a performance they just spent $150 to see. I’ll leave it to others to surmise what the biases, positive or negative, of us theater critics might be.

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