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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Not Really Made in China (or the United States)

Nancy Folbre, economist at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Nancy Folbre is professor emerita of economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Tags and advertising slogans proclaiming manufacture in a specific country are fading, because goods assembled with components from many different countries represent a growing share of international trade.

“Made in U.S.A.” still appeals to many consumers, but businesses have found that that classification can be iffy.

And how do you decide what is an import and what is an export when imports are important inputs into many exports, and vice versa?

In their new book, “Outsourcing Economics,” William Milberg and Deborah Winkler contend that neither the economics profession nor national trade accounts have caught up to that question.

No company illustrates this phenomenon better than Apple, considered a virtuoso in the realm of outsourcing as well as in design. Most iPhones are assembled in China, contributing to a huge trade surplus with the United States in recent years. But a detailed case study estimates that in 2009, the value added in China amounted to less than 4 percent of the total manufacturing cost.

In other words, iPhones are not really made in China, even though their final assembly takes place there. The cost of components imported from Germany, Japan, South Korea, the United States and other countries far exceeded the value added in China. Measured in these terms, rather than final sales, China’s apparent trade surplus in iPhones is actually a deficit.

Rather than exporting iPhones, China simply represents a particularly visible part of Apple’s global supply chain.

The traditional theory of foreign trade is based on the notion that some countries have a comparative advantage in the production of specific goods and services in a competitive global market. It offers few insights into the strategic behavior of corporate oligopolies choosing the optimal location for the performance of specific tasks.

Professors Milberg and Winkler define offshoring as “all purchases of intermediate inputs from abroad, whether done through arms-length contract (offshore outsourcing) or within the confines of a single multinational corporation.”

They estimate that the value of imported inputs as a percentage of total nonenergy inputs in manufacturing in the United States reached 16.4 percent in 2010, up from 12.5 percent in 1998 and 6.2 percent in 1984.

Debates over the future of manufacturing in the United States sometimes raise the prospect of “reshoring” as wages rise in developing countries, but the number of companies (including Apple) that have moved some production back to the United States remains small, and the overall effect in terms of total value added has not been accurately measured.

Who cares if trade takes the form of offshoring (apart from the fact that it becomes more difficult to measure)? One could argue that it still offers potential benefits for consumers, even at the cost of extensive job loss.

But attention to global value chains and to decisions within companies moves analysis of trade away from markets toward institutions â€" both corporations and governments â€" that regulate or fail to regulate their practices.

Most large multinational corporations enjoy considerable market power, increasing their bargaining power with small supplier companies that operate under far more competitive pressure. Their resources make it easy for them to use the lowest-wage labor available. They can use these cost savings to increase their profit margins and overall profits rather than to lower prices for consumers in the United States. Apple’s gross margins on iPhones from 2010 to 2012 exceeded 49 percent.

Traditional trade theory typically contrasts gains to consumers with losses to workers in specific industries. But with offshoring, the job losses extend beyond specific industries (such as clothing or textiles) to affect the manufacturing sector as a whole.

In the idealized world of perfect markets, high profits quickly faded away as new entrants joined the fray. In the world we actually live in, large companies take advantage of economies of scale and maneuver strategically to buffer themselves from price competition. As a result, they capture a large share of the gains to trade that would otherwise be passed on to consumers.

The growing separation of management, production and regulation has weakened the relative bargaining power of workers in the United States. Professors Milberg and Winkler assert persuasively that it has also weakened other links between profits and economic growth, funneling resources into the financial sector rather than into productive domestic investment. From their perspective, the changing structure of trade contributed significantly to a redistribution of income away from workers, increasing the indebtedness that drove the recent financial crisis and recession.

It’s hard to fit their analysis onto a label or advertising slogan. But consumers, as well as workers, need to know more about the distribution of gains from trade, which matters far more than the specific countries where things are made.

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