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Monday, August 26, 2013

The Charitable Deduction, Continued


Bruce Bartlett held senior policy roles in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations and served on the staffs of Representatives Jack Kemp and Ron Paul. He is the author of “The Benefit and the Burden: Tax Reform - Why We Need It and What It Will Take.”

Last week, I discussed certain aspects of the federal tax deduction for charitable contributions. I return to this topic to review a few more points.

One issue is to what extent the charitable deduction actually motivates net additional contributions. As I noted previously, a large amount of aggregate contributions is made by people who cannot deduct them because their income is too low to have an income tax liability or they use the standard deduction. Obviously, the deduction has no effect on their contributions.

Moreover, to the extent that contributions are tax-motivated, the higher the tax rate, the more contributions there should be. Conversely, reductions in marginal tax rates should, all other things being equal, reduce charitable giving. With the top federal income tax rate close to half what it was in 1980, we should have seen a sharp drop in giving by the wealthy if tax considerations were paramount.

In fact, charitable giving by the wealthy has not fallen. This shows that the growth of income is the dominant factor in charitable giving; when people have more money to give, they give more. The general state of the economy is more important than the tax structure in determining aggregate giving.

Another important point about charitable giving is that it often isn’t as altruistic as it is made out to be. That is, givers often get something in return for their gifts. Sometimes it is simply the “warm glow” of helping an institution they have a special interest in. But it can also be more tangible - names on buildings at universities or wings at hospitals, gala dinners and awards for generous donors or the continuation of some service, like public broadcasting, from which one receives a specific benefit.

In some cases, contributions to tax-exempt organizations are abused. For example, one might donate a work of art to a museum at an inflated price and deduct that inflated value from one’s taxable income even though it is actually worth much less. Without an arm’s length market transaction, it is hard to say what the true value is. (The Internal Revenue Service requires a written appraisal by a qualified appraiser for any deduction taken on items valued at more than $5,000, and it has said that this system is reducing the use of overvaluations.)

Moreover, unlike those who donate cash, donors of assets never have to pay taxes on an asset sale. If someone had to sell a painting or stock first, they would have to pay the capital gains tax before receiving the cash from which to make a charitable contribution. Being able to deduct the gross monetary value of an asset without selling it in effect confers a double tax benefit.

It should also be noted that most charities get the bulk of their revenue from services provided. Universities receive tuition; tax-exempt hospitals charge for services. In the aggregate, charitable organizations receive three times as much revenue from program services as they do from gifts and contributions, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

These factors would be unchanged if the charitable tax deduction were reduced or abolished. Of course, there was a considerable amount of charitable giving in the United States long before there was an income tax, as noted by Alexis de Tocqueville in 1831.

There are also costs involved in allowing deductions to tax-exempt organizations in the form of restrictions on their operations and government oversight. This has led some scholars to suggest that many charitable functions would be better served by profit-making entities.

In a widely discussed article in the December 2007 issue of the Virginia Law Review, Profs. Anup Malani and Eric A. Posner of the University of Chicago assert that profit-making entities may be more efficient at fulfilling certain missions traditionally undertaken by charitable organizations than those that are tax-exempt.

Responding to Professors Malani and Posner, Prof. Benjamin Leff of American University pointed out in a Seton Hall Law Review article that nontax-exempt charitable institutions already exist alongside those that are tax-exempt. For example, Google’s charitable arm operates as a for-profit entity in order to permit it to invest in start-up businesses, lobby Congress and engage in other activities that are prohibited for tax-exempt entities.

Other philanthropic organizations are following Google’s lead. One might view the Web site Kickstarter as a similar type of entity, because it raises money from individuals to fund a variety of undertakings they view as worthwhile but that cannot be financed through traditional channels like investors or foundations. The funders do not receive any tax benefit or profit.

Of course, eliminating the tax-exempt status of churches and other tax-exempt organizations would free them to pursue direct political activity without government interference.

Eliminating the distinction between profit-making and tax-exempt institutions would also level the playing field in areas where both types of organizations operate. Many for-profit businesses complain about growing competition from nonprofit enterprises producing goods and services identical to theirs without incurring a tax liability.

And there are questions about why certain seemingly profit-making operations of tax-exempt institutions are treated as tax-exempt when they don’t appear related to their core function. A good example is the tax-exempt status of university endowments, which often appear to be independent from anything to do with teaching or education; they simply get bigger each year as an end in itself.

Both those on the left, such as Robert Reich, labor secretary in the Clinton administration, and those on the right, such as James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley, have questioned the tax exemption for the vast profits realized annually by college endowments, as well as other revenue received by universities, like patent royalties, that private businesses pay taxes on.

According to the National Association of College and University Business Officers, in 2011 76 universities had endowments of more than $1 billion, led by Harvard with $32 billion. Senator Charles Grassley, Republican of Iowa, and others have proposed taxing endowments’ income or subjecting them to the same mandatory payout rules that now apply to foundations.

In short, a number of issues related to charitable giving and charitable organizations ought to be examined if Congress pursues fundamental tax reform. There is much more to be considered than the simple question of whether the charitable deduction should be kept as is or reduced in some way to raise revenue to pay for rate reductions.

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