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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How the Furloughed Will Be Counted

There has been a lot of speculation about how the federal government shutdown will affect numbers for the October jobs report, due out Nov. 8. The jobs report is based on two different surveys â€" one of households, and one of employers â€" and it turns out that furloughed federal government workers will be treated as unemployed in the first survey but employed in the second. In other words, the temporary layoff of federal workers will probably increase the unemployment rate, but not (at least directly) depress the payroll job growth numbers.

The key reason that furloughed federal workers affect the results of one survey but not the other has to do with the different ways the two surveys categorize workers who ultimately receive back pay.

In the survey of households, workers who were furloughed during the entire week of Oct. 6-12 (the week that the survey asks respondents about) and therefore did not work at all will be classified as “unemployed, on temporary layoff.”

According to an e-mail from a Bureau of Labor Statistics economist, for the purposes of the household survey, “workers on temporary layoff need not be actively looking for work to be counted as unemployed, and they are so classified regardless of whether or not they are, or expect to be, paid for the time they are on temporary layoff.”

Got that? Even if you get back pay, if you didn’t spend any time working, you’re still considered unemployed by the household survey.

That is not true in the establishment survey (which surveys nonfarm payroll employers).

In the establishment survey, people who did not work during the reference week (the pay period that includes the 12th of the month) would normally not be counted as employed â€" unless they receive back pay. If they receive pay for the time they were on furlough, they’re counted as employed, even though they didn’t actually spend any hours working.

Congress agreed to retroactive pay for furloughed federal workers for work they missed. That means that federal workers who were not allowed to work during the shutdown will all still be counted as employed.

Mind you, Congress’s action guarantees back pay for federal employees only. Other workers who were furloughed as a result of the shutdown but don’t work directly for the federal government â€" contractors, say, or people who normally work in lunchtime cafes across the street from government office buildings that were empty last week â€" may not have been given back-pay for those missed hours; it depends on what their employers decided to do. If they didn’t work during the reference week and they didn’t receive retroactive pay for missed hours, they will not be counted as employed by either the household or the establishment survey.

Exactly how many people fall into this camp â€" laid off as a result of Congress’s actions, but not by Congress directly â€" will be harder to determine until the next batch of jobs numbers is in.

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