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Monday, October 28, 2013

If Prices Go Up, Incomes May Lag

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

My Sunday article about the benefits of moderate inflation drew a lot of skeptical responses, many about the premise that rising prices would lead to rising wages.

This is an old and well-established concern. “People dislike inflation because they assume that wages will not keep pace,” Robert Shiller wrote in a 1996 paper describing the results of a multinational survey.

And it is important for two reasons. First, it highlights one of the most powerful arguments against increasing inflation while the economy is weak.

If the Fed drives up inflation, prices would rise first. Even if wages follow, the very people who most need help would feel the short-term pain most acutely. It would feel something like a temporary national sales tax.

Second, there’s no guarantee that incomes would keep pace with higher inflation.

To be clear, inflation by definition increases total income. Someone ends up holding the new money. The question is about distribution: Are workers able to secure the raises necessary to keep pace with inflation, or does the extra money simply pad profits?

In some cases, it is clear that incomes will not rise in the short term.

Dick Diamond, a reader in Bay City, Ore., wrote to say that his pension rises at a fixed rate of 2 percent per year. “Inflation will wipe out any gains and if more than 2 percent will harm me,” he wrote.

This is a common problem. The nation’s largest pension fund, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, also increases payments by up to 2 percent a year.

The federal minimum wage, now $7.25 an hour, does not adjust to keep pace with inflation. After accounting for inflation, minimum-wage workers now make much less than they did in the 1970s.

There is also reason to worry that increased foreign competition has eroded the bargaining power of American workers.

The investment banker and think tanker Daniel Alpert argues in a new book, “The Age of Oversupply,” that globalization is suppressing domestic wages, so that rising inflation would simply punish workers.

“Cheaper credit through monetary easing doesn’t yield much in an era when cheap capital already exists in abundance,” Mr. Alpert writes. “And policies that seek to stimulate growth run up against the fact that there is a huge oversupply of global labor and productive capacity.”

But against these concerns stands the bleak reality of the present situation: profound and enduring unemployment, slow growth, rising income inequality.

There are theoretical reasons to think that a little more inflation could alleviate each of these problems. We have the experience of the last five years as evidence that current economic policies have not done so.

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