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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Some Economic Consequences of the Shutdown

A sign outside the office of Senator Thad Cochran, Republican of Mississippi, says it is closed because of the government shutdown.Jonathan Ernst/Reuters A sign outside the office of Senator Thad Cochran, Republican of Mississippi, says it is closed because of the government shutdown.

Jared Bernstein is a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington and a former chief economist to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

In one of the more mocking symbols of the government shutdown, should you visit the Bureau of Economic Analysis Web site, a heavily traveled government data site, you’ll see this message:

“Due to the lapse in government funding, will be unavailable until further notice.”

Other government Web sites that track the economy and job market are either similarly shut down or have posted notices that they won’t be updating their numbers during the shutdown.  Normally, on Friday we’d be learning about last month’s labor market, but even though the Bureau of Labor Statistics has already collected the data, they can’t produce the report under shutdown staffing levels.

(A private report that loosely tracks the official results on private payrolls showed a lackluster 166,000 jobs last month and a downward revision of 54,000 for the prior two months … not good.)

And yes, it’s ironic that if the shutdown drags on, it will be increasingly difficult to assess its economic damage.  That’s a bug to me, but surely a feature to others.

What might be the scope of that damage?

First, about 800,000 federal government workers have been furloughed without pay.  When past shutdowns were resolved, such workers were paid retroactively, but they won’t know that until it’s over (most so called “essential” workers are also working without pay, but they have be paid when the shutdown ends). The furloughed workers can be pretty sure they’ll be paid back, but one simply can’t overestimate the recklessness of the obstructionists that comprise the current Congress.  Their reduced spending will be felt in areas in which they’re concentrated.

I write about this sort of thing all the time, but I saw it firsthand on the first day of the shutdown here in Washington.  I went to grab a sandwich in a restaurant that is usually flooded with workers from the Education Department.  But the place was empty.  Looking around at the inactivity, I was chatting with the woman behind the counter who wondered aloud about her own job.

One government contractor (United Technologies) just announced 2,000 temporary layoffs starting Monday.

At any rate, the furloughed government workers alone amount to about 0.5 percent of the work force who would be counted as unemployed if they remain so through the middle of this month; that’s when the next survey would take place.  Except that there won’t be a survey if the government remains in partial shutdown.  Which all sounds a bit like “The B.L.S. Meets Alice in Wonderland.”

I’m often complaining that markets read too much into these monthly data reports, many of which undergo significant revisions as better data come in, so I don’t want to make a huge deal out of this disruption.  But it happens to be coming at a particularly bad time for the Federal Reserve, which is in high data-driven mode right now as they assess economic conditions with an eye to beginning their taper program (reducing the amount of asset purchases).

The shutdown is also coming at a bad time for the real estate market.  Based on the current tight credit environment, home buyers seeking mortgage loans need an Internal Revenue Service document to verify their income.  The shutdown is throwing sand in that wheel, lengthening the loan process and slowing down a housing sector that’s has had a bit of momentum lately.

All told, if this ends quickly, it will constitute a relatively small self-inflicted wound on an already weak economy.  Estimates are that a shutdown that lasts a few weeks shaves a few tenths of a point off of this quarter’s gross domestic product growth â€" maybe we grow at 2 percent instead of at 2.5 percent.  And we probably make some of that growth up later once retroactive pay kicks in and people take delayed vacations.

The real threat from the shutdown comes in two flavors: one is macro, the other, very micro.

The macro threat could break either way.  Does it raise or lower the odds of a debt default?  If you think the extremists can slake their blood lust with a mere shutdown, then you’re less worried about default.  If you think a shark that just bit off your pinkie would now like to bite off your head, then we have a much bigger problem.

Me, I take some â€" not enough, for sure â€" solace in the belief that the House speaker, John Boehner, will soon say: “O.K., Tea Party, you’ve had your moment.  It may mean my job, but I can’t be responsible for a default.  Time to allow clean bills to come to the House floor, even if their passage depends on Democrats’ votes.”

Why?  Because I believe â€" and again, I’m far from sure about this â€" the costs of default are large enough to wake up the grown-ups.  Interest rates would soar and not just on government debt but on all the securities out there that are tied to Treasuries.  Even with just the shutdown, we’re already seeing short-term lenders to the Treasury demand a risk premium: there’s been a mini-spike in the yields on one-month T-bills.

Our stock of national debt is $12 trillion.  That means a 1-percent risk premium raises debt service by $120 billion.

The micro threat is already breaking bad, and it gets worse with time.  Children with cancer blocked from National Institutes of Health protocols (that’s happening), veterans not getting pension or disability checks (two weeks out); poor mothers and their infants losing nutritional benefits (one week out); Head Start slots that dodged the sequestration bullet hit by this one (happening already).

And for what?  So Speaker Boehner can keep his job while he and Senator Ted Cruz amp up impossible fantasies about ending Obamacare?

Now, I’m neither a kid awaiting entry in a cancer protocol nor a federal worker on unpaid leave, so I don’t want to overdramatize the moment.  But what’s driving me crazy here is the inability of facts, logic or just plain human decency to do anything about this.  The country is under the sway of a small minority of ideologues in an impenetrable bubble.  And if we fail to lift the debt ceiling in two weeks, change “country” to “world.”

In this regard, the most important two things in the world right now are the spines of President Obama and Harry Reid.  The only way the globe has a hope of breaking this fever is if those spines remain as stiff and unyielding as they’ve been so far.  Anything else will teach the extremists that their strategy is working.

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