You've probably heard that performance matters on the web. You've heard that Google saw a 20% decrease in page views after increasing page load time by half a second. You've seen studies claiming e-commerce sites can see reduced performance and revenue due to one second of latency loading a site. You know the drill: gzip, concatenate, minify, reduce page size.
But the game is rapidly changing - smartphones and tablets account for more and more web traffic and performance is no longer a nice-to-have feature but a critical part of the user experience. To succeed, websites need to be fast. Developers need to learn new techniques to thrive in this new environment. We are holding an event on Oct. 16, in partnership with Google, whose Make the Web Faster team has dedicated itself to improving web performance. Even though we're out of tickets, you can watch a livestream of the event on Google+.
Jake Archibald of Google will lead an interactive performance quiz. Adam Grossman of will discuss how to make an awesome mobile web app and make it fast. NYT software architect Eitan Konigsburg will offer insights on The Times' own efforts to improve site performance.
After a bit of dinner and conversation, we'll be back with Google's Colt McAnlis, who will break down site performance and demonstrate how to use advanced debugging tools.
It's going to be a great show.
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