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Friday, February 7, 2014

Why Europe’s Job Picture Looks Different

A theme often heard on this side of the Atlantic about the world’s Great Recession and its faltering recovery is how American policy has been more effective than Europe’s, which has been hitched to an expensive currency and shackled to a set of austere economic policies that served nobody but Germany.

American unemployment has been declining for the last four years. In 2010, the jobless rate in the United States and the euro area were both around 10 percent. Last month, American unemployment stood at 6.6 percent. In the euro area it is hovering around 12 percent.

But is the United States really doing that much better? A recent study by Thomas Klitgaard and Richard Peck at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York suggests that the outperformance of the American job market is, to a significant extent, a statistical mirage: American unemployment numbers reflect a shrinking labor force.

The differing work force trends in Europe and the United States have little to do with the responses to the economic emergency on either side of the ocean. Instead, they mostly have to do with the working habits of older women.

In January, 63 percent of working-age Americans were either working or looking for work. That’s 1.8 percentage points fewer than in January 2010. In the euro area, by contrast, the labor force participation rate has remained roughly flat over the last four years.

According to the economists at the New York Fed, if the labor force in the countries using the euro had shrunk as much as it did in the United States, euro area unemployment would be around 9.5 percent. Though this is still higher than it is in the United States, it is below where it was at the start of Europe’s sovereign debt crisis.

Labor Force Participation Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, via Haver Analytics; Eurostat. Note: Euro area data are authors' estimates.Federal Reserve Bank of New York Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, via Haver Analytics; Eurostat. Note: Euro area data are authors’ estimates.

What’s going on? Europe and the United States face some of the same demographic and economic forces. Populations are aging on both sides of the Atlantic. Many workers in Europe, too, have stopped looking for work, discouraged by lack of opportunities.

There is, however, one big difference. In the euro area, the working rate of older women is still much lower than it is in the United States. Almost half of American women over 45 are in the labor market, compared to fewer than 40 percent in the euro zone. And European women are picking up the slack. So despite a severe economic downturn, the share of older women in the labor pool has been growing at a robust clip.

Labor Force Participation, by Gender Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, via Haver Analytics; Eurostat. Note: Euro area data are authors' estimates.Federal Reserve Bank of New York Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, via Haver Analytics; Eurostat. Note: Euro area data are authors’ estimates.

This means that the recovery of the euro area’s job market may look worse than it actually is. Mr. Klitgaard and Mr. Peck wrote: “Just as a declining labor force has put downward pressure on the U.S. unemployment rate, increasing labor force participation will put upward pressure on the euro area rate, making the labor market look less healthy than other indicators might suggest.”

This post has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: February 7, 2014

An earlier version of this post misspelled, on second reference, the surname of one author of the New York Fed report. As noted in the first reference, he is Thomas Klitgaard, not Kitgaard.

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